
This document provides detailed installation instructions for configuring and deploying VocBench version 2.2. Instructions for older versions may be accessed here


The installation package of Vocbench downloadable from its project site, which contains all or most of the components for installing VB, will be referred along the guide as:


When a file name for an installation component is referred in this guide without further specifying its full path, we are assuming it is in INST_PKG.

If you have already installed vocbench in the past, you may want to read the next section, otherwise you may skip it and go directly to the "Requirements" section.

Main changes in the installation procedure wrt last (2.1) version (read this if you come from 2.1 and you need only a quick update)


Third Party Software

  1. Apache Tomcat web server (version 6.0 or higher)

    EXAMPLE: debian:apt-get update; apt-get install sun-java6-jdk apache2 tomcat6 libmysql-java

  2. MySQL database server (version  5.0 or higher)


  3. OWLIM. (you may postpone the installation of OWLIM if you want to test VocBench with a small thesaurus; we recommed however OWLIM for better reliability and larger scalability; see "Running VocBench on OWLIM SE")

Our Software

Installation Steps

Setting up the main Software Components

1.  Semantic Turkey Server Setup

In the bin directory of ST-Server, there are batch files for Windows (.bat) and UNIX (.sh) to run the server.

A further integration step would ask for VocBench OSGi bundle {ST.VB-BUNDLE.VERSION} to be copied inside the ST-Server directory under folder ST-Server\extensions\service. However, the OSGi bundle already comes packed inside the ST-Server, so perform this only if you get a specific update of the OSGi bundle.

2.  VOCBENCH Setup  

Running the System

Running Semantic Turkey

Start Semantic Turkey by using the batch file in the ST-Server directory (server_run.bat for windows and for UNIX systems).

Running Vocbench

VB has been preconfigured with administrator user. Use following credentials to connect as administrator. 

Username: administrator

Password: 111111

Administrators are the super users who can create/approve requests for new users.

Playing around

Now, let's go for a first Quick Test Drive !!!


There is a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) addressing specific issues related to installation