
These instructions propose a quick installation method for having an AGROVOC installation of the VocBench Thesauri Management Web Application. Note that, by replacing “Agrovoc” with your specific dataset, and “Agrontology” with your own domain vocabulary, they should still be valid for handling your specific case.

VB offers a User Interface for many of the options that you will see represented through config files here but, as the package that comes with this guide is already pre-configured, you will find it easier to go through these specific configuration steps instead of using the UI.

For the same reason above, you just have to follow this guide up straightly, and all parameters have been already set for the AGROVOC installation. Whenever a parameter needs a value which is specific to your installation, we have put a placeholder for it. The list of placeholders is reported in the Legenda here below.

Please refer to the Installation, sections “Requirements” and “Installation Steps”, up to step 3: “Import the Administrator Database SQL Dump File”. For step 4, just drop the VB war in Tomcat, and then follow this guide for configuring the file, then restart tomcat.


{} : these are placeholders for the configuration of a real email address which will be used to deliver email messages to the vocbench administrator

{}: this is a placeholder for admin DB of VB.
{yourDB.user} : this is a placeholder for the account you are using for storing the admin DB of VB
{yourDB.pwd}: a placeholder for the password of your {yourDB.user} account

{admin.emails}: a comma separated list of email addresses of administrators, which will be notified of any email, together with the main administrator

{owlim.license.path}: put here your full path to where you stored the OWLIM license file in your path, such as /path/fao1core.license, or C:/temp/fao1core.license


  1. Import Administrator database.
  2. Copy your war file of VB inside tomcat.
  3. VB allows updating your configuration file at the time of first load after installation.
  4. Optionally you can pre configure your war file with updated VB Configuration file. To preconfigure, after dropping the war file of VB inside tomcat, have it unzipped by tomcat, then and replace your specific installation information (see entries here below) on the file located in vocbench2/WEB-INF/classes. Then, restart tomcat to have it re-loaded.
  5. From the Sesame Workbench for configuring OWLIM, create a new repository (and do not add any data!)
    1. Create new repository.
      • Type: OWLIM-SE
      • ID: AGROVOC_SKOS_VB_2013-07-12
      • Title: AGROVOC_SKOS_VB dated 2013-07-12
      • License file (leave blank for evaluation and use '/'): {owlim.license.path}
      • Repository type: file-repository
      • Ruleset: Empty
      • Base URL:
      • Total cache memory (min 20m): 120m
      • Main index memory (min 20m): 80m
      • Use predicate indices: true
      • Predicate index memory (min 20m): 20m  
      • Full-text search memory (min 20m): 20m
      • Full-text search indexing policy: On commit
    2. Set custom OWLIM rule set to the path to the file builtin_owl2-rl-fixed.pie in this distribution (see instructions in “Appendix B: OWLIM specific notes” of the full instruction manual).
    3. Add RDF data
      • Base URI: (actually it may be left blank if importing an N-Triples or any other format for which the baseuri is already implicit in the file)
      • Context:  put nothing here. And beware, sometimes this can be filled up automatically while you fill other form fields! Give it a last glance before clicking ok at the end of this process, and if it has been filled up, clear it.
      • Data format: (autodetect)
      • RDF Data File: choose the file agrovoc_wb_20130507_VB.nt from its position in your filesystem

Running the System

  1. Run Semantic Turkey by launching the batch file appropriate for your system (server_run.bat for Windows or for UNIX systems) which is located in the ST-Server directory.
  2. Login to VB as administrator user (user/pass:administrator/111111)
  3. You will see the “ontology panel” on the right empty. Create a new project by clicking on the + button.
  4. Beware: after you click ok, you will return to the previous form, but the ontology may have not been refreshed in the “Ontology” list. Wait a few seconds, or if nothing appears, in case, close it, log out and try to log in again
  5. Manage SKOS Concept Scheme
    1. Select the Schemes tab.
    2. Add Scheme (right upper corner): (If using AGROVOC, a scheme should be already present, so you can skip this step:)
  6. Import the following ontology: agrontology.owl (AdministrationàOntology, then “Import” bottom panel à select from the combobox “Add Import From Ontology Mirror”)
  7. Manage namespace (AdministrationàOntology) if needed (it should be automatically assigned when importing agrontology).
  8. Enable indexing

Creating a new blank project by using Sesame2

  1. Very important: do not use the same Semantic Turkey installation. Just unzip again the server and data folders into another directory (do not even copy the same directories you already unzipped and used for Agrovoc, but take fresh copies from the installation zips). Before running it, however, you have to perform the following actions
    1. Enter inside the ST-Server\configurations\services and open file: “” inside a text editor
    2. Change the port number to another free port of your choice (e.g. 1975)
    3. Run as usual through the batches
  2. Now follow the same steps as in “Running the system” for creating a new project. The difference is:
    1. Choose whatever: Project name, project description, base uri you like
    2. As Semantic Turkey Server URL, adopt the previous one, but with the port number modified (no more 1979) to reflect your new port number
    3. As TripleStore, again OntologyManagerFactorySesame2Impl, and again click connect
    4. Now instead of remote access, select “in memory/persistent”
    5. You can leave the other parameter values (1000, true, true) as they are
  3. Continue with the instructions as in “Running the system”