
This is a simple test drive for you to try VocBench by using the embedded sesame component for creating a very simple project. We will use a small thesaurus developed in FAO as a test data sample. So follow strictly the "e.g." suggestions if you want to get this it working with the provide example.

Create a new project    

    1. select “in memory/persistent” or "native store/persistent"
    2. You can leave the other parameter values (1000, true, true) as they are

Manage the SKOS Concept Scheme

Loading pre-existing data

Creating a new User

We suppose here that you are both the user and administrator of vocbench

To add a new user in VocBench follow these steps:

If you do not receive any email (maybe a misplaced configuration) you need to manually enable the account by modifying the admin DB (see FAQ 1)