
This is a simple test drive for you to try VocBench by using the embedded sesame component for creating a very simple project. We will use a small thesaurus developed in FAO as a test data sample.

The sample thesaurus, the "Land and Water" FAO vocabulary, is available for download here

So follow strictly the "e.g." suggestions if you want to get this it working with the provide example.

Create a new project    

    1. select “in memory/persistent” or "native store/persistent"
    2. You can leave the other parameter values (1000, true, true) as they are

Manage the SKOS Concept Scheme

Loading pre-existing data

Start playing around

Project is ready, some sample data has been loaded...time to play around now! things like editing new concepts, lexicalizations etc..

We will be adding more docs soon. In the meanwhile, you can follow those videos reported here:

Features still to be implemented

Currently, the search engine is working only with OWLIM SE. Unfortunately, there is no standard for advanced search (like indexed search) in current triple stores, se each triple store is a story on its own.

We need to implement a coherent search interface, and then have different connectors for various technologies...and this should be part of our triplestore agnostic interface...

One thing we will do soon, is to have a simpler approach: we just implement a simple search (no indexing), and then we allow to use the more advanced search of OWLIM-SE in case the user is using it. Later, we will work on the more general interface.

Appendix: Creating a new User

We suppose here that you are both the user and administrator of vocbench

To add a new user in VocBench follow these steps:

If you do not receive any email (maybe a misplaced configuration) you need to manually enable the account by modifying the admin DB (see FAQ 1)