VocBench is a web-based, multilingual, editing and workflow tool that manages thesauri, authority lists and glossaries using SKOS-XL. Designed to meet the needs of semantic web and linked data environments, VocBench provides tools and functionalities that facilitate both collaborative editing and multilingual terminology. It also includes administration and group management features that permit flexible roles for maintenance, validation and publication.
VocBench is developed and hosted by a collaboration between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the University of Rome - Tor Vergata and the Malaysian research centre MIMOS Berhad. The VocBench user community is growing and today includes FAO’s Natural Resources, Communication and Knowledge Exchange departments as well as the European Commission Publications Office and the European Environment Agency.
VocBench 2 has just finished its beta testing and is currently in production stage in FAO for what concerns the maintenance of Agrovoc, Biotech, Glossary of Land and Water Terms and a few others.
Version 2 represents a major shift in both design and outlook. Based on a service-oriented OSGi architecture, it is designed to allow external developers to add functionality via plug-ins without disturbing the core. This allows the current partnership to avoid the administrative burden of managing a full-blown open source community, while at the same time maintaining core functionality and making the code public so that others can extend it.
Version 2 also features other important improvements such as native SKOS support, support for multiple triple-stores (ANY repository which can be accseed through a plain sesame2 remote connection), looser coupling, updated GWT and more. It's business and data access layers are handled by Semantic Turkey, an open-source platform for Knowledge Acquisition and Management realized by the ART Research Group at the University of Rome - Tor Vergata.
Please refer to the official site of VocBench for being properly introduced to it.
Recent space activity
Space contributors
- Armando Stellato (3180 days ago)
- Andrea Turbati (3749 days ago)