User Info

User Info

A detailed user manual is provided here, so the purpose of this page is to collect only those information which may complement the official manual.

User Registration

The best way to register users is...to let users register themselves! There are quite a few information to be filled up, and usually, to avoid too many questions via email, the best procedure is to let them go through the various points.

So, from the page of the VocBench installation they want to subscribe to, they just need to click on the:

 Create an account

button, and then go along the process for requesting the creation of their account:

The following information is mandatory:

Username, Password, FirstName, LastName, Email, Affiliation, Address, Country ,

though it is highly recommended to provide, yet from the account creation, also the following information:

  • the thesauri the users want to manage
  • the access rights they have on the thesauri
  • the languages they can cover as editors or just for viewing


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