Triples created by various services

Triples created by various services

This is a sample file in which I created a scheme, a concept with a preferred label, and a definition for it.



<http://test> rdf:type skos:ConceptScheme .
//label of the scheme, it has no validation
<http://test> skosxl:prefLabel <http://test/xl_en_464d4b55> .
<http://test/xl_en_464d4b55> <rdf:type> skosxl:Label .
<http://test/xl_en_464d4b55> skosxl:literalForm "test scheme"@en .

//created root concept
<http://test/rootConcept> rdf:type skos:Concept .
<http://test/rootConcept> skos:inScheme <http://test> .
<http://test/rootConcept> skos:topConceptOf <http://test> .
<http://test/rootConcept> vb:hasStatus "Proposed" .
<http://test/rootConcept> dct:created "2016-06-24T14:53:49Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
//when the concept has been modified (e.g. by adding the definition, or with other info)
<http://test/rootConcept> dct:modified "2016-06-24T16:54:51Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
// pointers from the concept to its definition and pref label

// xLabel for the concept
<http://test/xl_en_f6428a2e> rdf:type skosxl:Label> .
<http://test/xl_en_f6428a2e> skosxl:literalForm "root"@en .
<http://test/xl_en_f6428a2e> vb:hasStatus "Proposed" .
<http://test/xl_en_f6428a2e> dct:created "2016-06-24T14:53:49Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
<http://test/xl_en_f6428a2e> dct:modified "2016-06-24T16:53:49Z"^^xsd:dateTime .

// reified definition for the concept
 <http://test/xDef_c2c16ad2> rdf:value "this is the definition of root concept"@en .
<http://test/xDef_c2c16ad2> dct:source <http://mysource/for/definition/> .
<http://test/xDef_c2c16ad2> dct:created "2016-06-24T16:54:51Z"^^xsd:dateTime .
//alternative source of the definition (description instead of URI)
<http://test/xDef_04419ea5> vb:hasSource "this is a description of the source of the definition"^^xsd:string

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